

PRE-WORKSHOPS: Thursday, 13th December 2012
in Vienna (Grasshopper, ABB Vienna) & Graz (ABB Graz)

CONFERENCE WORKSHOPS: 14th December – 16th December 2012
in Vienna, Graz, Zürich, Rotterdam, Stuttgart


CONFERENCE @ Semperdepot, Lehargasse 6, A-1060 Vienna

DAY 1: Monday, 17th December 2012

08:30 – 09:00 Registration

09:00     Welcome and Introduction to the First international Conference on Robotic Fabrication in Architecture, Art and Design

Eva Blimlinger, Rector of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna
Klaus Semsroth, Dean of the Faculty of Architecture and Regional Planning, TU Vienna
Sigrid Brell-Cokcan and Johannes Braumann, Association for Robots in Architecture

Session I
Session Chair: Johannes Braumann (Robots in Architecture)

09:30     Keynote Research

Digital by Material: Envisioning an Extended Performative Materiality in the Digital Age of Architecture
Fabio Gramazio, Matthias Kohler, Jan Willmann, Silke Langenberg, ETH Zürich


10:15     Free Molding Technology
Yaron Elyasi, Etto Studio Israel

10:30     Outside Itself: Interactive Installation Assembled by Robotic Machines Untouched by Human Hands
Federico Díaz

10:45 Coffee break

Session II
Session Chair: Kai Strehlke, Herzog de Meuron


11:00     Geometry Optimization: Realization of Fluid-form Structure Composed of Spherical Components, Fabricated by Means of Computer Software and Robotic Arms
Lukáš Kurilla and Ladislav Svoboda, CTU Prague

11:30     Robotic Pouring of Aggregate Structures: Responsive Motion Planning Strategies for Online Robot Control of Granular Pouring Processes with Synthetic Macro-scale Particles
Karola Dierichs, Tobias Schwinn, Achim Menges, ICD University of Stuttgart

12:00     Magnetic Architecture: Generative Design through Sensoric Robots
Alexandre Dubor and Gabriel-Bello Diaz, IAAC

12:30     Automating Eclipsis: Automated Robotic Fabrication of Custom Optimized Metal Façades Systems
Nathan King and Jonathan Grinham, Harvard GSD, Virginia Tech Center for Design Research

13:00-13:45 LUNCH Break

Session III
Session Chair: Christian Peer (KUKA)

13:45     Keynote Industry
KUKA: Innovations in Industrial Robotics
Alois Buchstab, KUKA GmbH


14:15     splineTex: Architectural Composite Materials
Valentine Troi, superTEX composites GmbH

14:30     Industrial Robots in Architecture: Trends and Innovations from ABB
David Kittl and Martin Kohlmaier, ABB AG Österreich

14:45     Revolution in Steel Beam Fabrication
Andreas Hofer, Zeman GmbH

15:00     21st Century Art- The Marriage of Inspiration and Innovation: Robots Evolve to Become the Artist´s High-Performance Tool
Manfred Hübschmann and David Arceneaux, Stäubli Robotics

15:15     Modular Robotics: From Individual Modules to Complex Robotic Structures
Christian Binder, Schunk Intec GmbH

15:30     New Perspectives for Architecture and Design: Fabrication using Robotic Machining Centres
Alfred Kaser, A² Anlagentechnik & Automation GmbH

15:45     Rapid On-site Fabrication of Customized Freeform Metal Cladding Panels: Robotic Devices in Shipping Containers Shifting from Research to State-of-the-Art
Peter Mehrtens, Bemo Systems

16:00     Coffee break

Session IV
Session Chair: Fabian Scheurer, designtoproduction


16:15     The Framed Pavilion: Modeling and Producing Complex Systems in Architectural Education
Richard Dank and Christian Freissling, Institute for Architecture& Media TU Graz

16:45    Irregular Substrate Tiling: The Robotic Poché
Ryan Luke Johns and Nicholas Foley, Greyshed / Princeton University

17:15     RoboSculpt: Unique Molds for Design with Minimal Waste
Mathew Schwartz and Jason Prasad, University of Michigan

17:45     Augmented Reality and the Fabrication of Gestural Form
Ryan Luke Johns, Greyshed / Princeton University

18:15     Robotic Immaterial Fabrication
Steven Keating and Neri Oxman, MIT Media Lab

18:45     Break

Panel Discussion
Session Chair: Christian Kühn, TU Vienna

19:00      Panel Discussion

Conference Dinner

20:00      Conference Dinner @ Palmenhaus
KUKA Young Potential Award Ceremony

DAY 2: Tuesday, 18th December 2012

09:00     Keynote Workshops
Morphospaces of Robotic Fabrication: From theoretical Morphology to Design Computation and Digital Fabrication in Architecture
Achim Menges, ICD University of Stuttgart

09:45  Coffee break

Session V
Session Chair: Kristy Balliet, Ohio State University


10:00     Robotically Fabricated Wood Plate Morphologies
Tobias Schwinn, Oliver David Krieg, Achim Menges, ICD University of Stuttgart

10:30     Processes for an Architecture of Volume: Robotic Wire Cutting
Wes McGee, Jelle Feringa, Asbjørn Søndergaard, University of Michigan, TU Delft; Aarhus School of Architecture

11:00     Augmented Fabrications: A New Control Model for Synchronous Robotics
Brandon Kruysman and Jonathan Proto, SciArc

11:30     Interlacing: An Experimental Approach to Integrating Digital and Physical Methods
Kathrin Dörfler, Florian Rist, Romana Rust, TU Vienna, TU Graz

12:00- 12:45 Lunch Break

Session VI:
Session Chair: David Kittl, ABB

12:45     Keynote Projects
Fabricating the Steel Bull of Spielberg
Clemens Neugebauer and Martin Kölldorfer, Artists


13:15     Morphfaux: Recovering Architectural Plaster by Developing Custom Robotic Tools
Joshua Bard, Steven Mankouche, Matthew Schulte, Carnegie Mellon University; University of Michigan

13: 30    CNSILK: Spider-Silk Inspired Robotic Fabrication of woven Habitats
Elizabeth Tsai, Michal Firstenberg, Jared Laucks, Yoav Sterman, Benjamin Lehnert, Neri Oxman, MIT Media Lab

13:45     Rhino2krl- A Simple CAD to Robot Interface for Fast Process Prototyping
Tom Pawlofsky, Kunstgiesserei St Gallen

14:00     Protocols, Pathways, and Production
David Pigram, Iain Maxwell. Wes McGee, Ben Hagenhofer-Daniell, Lauren Vasey,
Supermanoeuvre, University of Technology Sydney, University of Michigan

14:15     From Digital Design to Automated Production of Complex-Shaped Concrete Sub-Constructions with Steel Reinforcement
Jens Cortsen, Silvan Oesterle, Dorthe Sølvason, Hanno Stehling; University of Southern Denmark, ETH Zürich, designtoproduction

14:30     Robot Assisted Asymmetric Incremental Sheet Forming: Surface Quality and Path Planning
Jan Brüninghaus; Carsten Krewet, Bernd Kuhlenkötter, TU Dortmund, Chair of Industrial Robotics and Production Automation

14:45     Coffee break

Session VI
Session Chair: Sigrid Brell-Cokcan, Robots in Architecture


15:00    Design Robotics: Towards Strategic Design Experiments
Martin Bechthold and Nathan King, Harvard GSD

15:30     BrickDesign: A Software for Planning Robotically Controlled Non-standard Brick Assemblies
Tobias Bonwetsch, Ralph Bärtschi, Matthias Helmreich, ROB Technologies, ETH Zurich

16:00     Mill to Fit: The Robarch
Andreas Trummer, Felix Amtsberg, Stefan Peters, Institute for Structural Design TU Graz

16:30     HAL: Extension of a Visual Programming Language to Support Teaching and Research on Robotics Applied to Construction
Thibault Schwartz, ECZT, Robots in Architecture

17:15 Closing of Conference

1st Call for Papers 01.03.2012
2nd Call for Papers 01.05.2012
Electronic Submission of Abstracts 04.06.2012
Electronic Submission of Full Papers 16.07.2012
Author notification 10.09. 2012
Final Paper due 01.10.2012
Sponsor Workshops:  13.12.2012
Conference Workshops: 14. – 16.12.2012
Conference: 17. – 18.12.2012 

RobArch2012 Sponsors