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Author Notifications are Out

We are glad to inform you, that the author notifications have now been sent out. If you have not received an eMail, please check your spam folder and contact

Furthermore, the registrations for the free sponsor workshops are now open at the These workshops are provided by our sponsors McNeel and ABB free of charge for conference attendees. In the McNeel workshop, Grasshopper developer David Rutten will provide insight into Grasshopper, while the ABB workshop will expose attendants to the robot programming software RobotStudio. Seats are limited and only available for registered conferences attendees.

The registration page now also offers a conference only registration,  though we strongly recommend everyone to take a workshop, as they offer a unique chance to get a look at today’s cutting edge robotic research institutions.

Finally, we have partnered up with the ACADIA conference, which will take place in San Francisco from October 18th to 21st.  This year’s topic is “Synthetic Digital Ecologies” and promises some very interesting keynotes and presentations.

RobArch2012 Sponsors