Author Archives: Rob|Arch

Permalink to Announcing Rob|Arch 2016

Announcing Rob|Arch 2016


We are thrilled to announce that Rob|Arch 2016 will take place shortly before Easter 2016 in Sydney Australia, with Dagmar Reinhardt and Rob Saunders of the University of Sydney as conference chairs.

They are joined by Marjo Niemelä (University of Sydney), Mari Velonaki and Hank Haeusler (UNSW), Chris Knapp and Jonathan Nelson (Abedian School of Architecture, Bond University), Jane Burry, Roland Snooks, and Nicholas Williams (RMIT), Dave Pigram (UTS), and Tim Schork and Jon McCormack (Monash University) as co-chairs.

WORKSHOPS: MARCH 15–17, 2016

The adoption of digital fabrication in the creative industries continues to accelerate as the potential for innovation and creative expression using robotics is being harnessed. ROB|ARCH2016 will provide hands-on experience with the most recent robotic technologies as well as a platform for dissemination and an opportunity for researchers and industry to exchange expertise, explore methods, compare techniques and forge new connections.

The organisers of ROB|ARCH2016 invite authors to submit papers with original research relating to the use of robots in architecture, art, and design. The purpose of this year’s conference is to advance the discourse surrounding robotic fabrication and creative robotics in its theme “Trajectories” – towards the integration of human-robot interactions informed by sensor input and real-time feedback in diverse environmental conditions.

Paper Abstract submission: May 15, 2015
Paper submission: June 15, 2015

For details, visit the CALL FOR PAPERS page.

The ROB|ARCH conference series aims to allow practitioners to share expertise, to bring together teams of international researchers, to foster networks, to increase knowledge, and to stimulate innovation. To achieve this aim the ROB|ARCH conferences combine academic presentations with hands-on workshops held in the three days preceding the conference. ROB|ARCH 2012 and 2014 offered workshops from world-class research institutions such as ICD Stuttgart and ETH Zurich, and even Oscar-winning companies such as Bot&Dolly. For 2016 we are again sending out a CALL FOR WORKSHOPS and encourage researcher, industry, and talented individuals to propose a workshop for ROB|ARCH 2016.

Workshop Proposal Submission: April 15th 2015

For details, visit the CALL FOR WORKSHOPS page.


Permalink to Rob|Arch 2014 Announced & Call for Workshop Proposals

Rob|Arch 2014 Announced & Call for Workshop Proposals

Rob|Arch 2014 – Robotic Fabrication for Architecture, Art, and Design
Workshops: 14.-16.05.2014 / Conference: 17.-18.05.2014
Conference Chair: Wes Mcgee and Monica Ponce de Leon / University of Michigan

ROB|ARCH has been initiated by the Association for Robots in Architecture as a new conference series on the use of robotic fabrication in architecture, art, and design, closely linking industry with cutting-edge research institutions. In December 2012 the conference was hosted by its founders in Vienna, Austria. In 2014 the conference travels to North America, hosted by the University of Michigan Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning.

Continuing with the previous theme of international collaboration, the conference seeks to bring together artists, designers, fabricators, and industry leaders for the purpose of advancing the discourse surrounding robotic fabrication. Following on the success of ROB|ARCH 2012, the conference will again present a series of workshops held at select research institutions on the east coast of the United States, aimed at exposing the advanced capabilities of applied robotic research. Following the workshops, the conference will span two days at the University of Michigan Campus in Ann Arbor, Michigan, about an hour outside of Detroit, the origin of robotics in North America. The internationally renowned publishing house Springer Wien/New York will publish and market the proceedings of the conference worldwide.

For the 2014 event, we are extending a call for workshop proposals. See for more information.

15.4.2013 1st Call for Workshops
15.5.2013 2nd Call for Workshops
15.6.2013 Workshop Submission Deadline
01.7.2013 Workshop Notification

Permalink to Rob|Arch 2012 Video Contributions

Rob|Arch 2012 Video Contributions

In addition to the papers that were presented at Rob|Arch 2012 and published in the Rob|Arch book, the Association for Robots in Architecture sent out a call for video contributions to artists, researchers, students and companies world-wide. These impressive videos show the extremely wide range of robotic projects in the creative industry – from cutting-edge robotic milling, to new endeffectors, and even completely customized robots themselves.

At Rob|Arch 2012, the video contributions were shown at the conference venue to an audience of 250 international experts. It is now our pleasure to present the Rob|Arch 2012 video contributions to a worldwide audience.

Rob|Arch 2012 Video Contribution Album @ Vimeo

Permalink to Rob|Arch 2012 Gallery posted!

Rob|Arch 2012 Gallery posted!

Dear Rob|Arch2012 participants, authors, co-chairs and sponsors,

We hope that you had relaxing holidays and a good start into the New Year!
Rob|Arch 2012 was a great success and we thank you for your positive feedback and the good wishes for the future events. From what we have heard, Rob|Arch not only provided great inspiration, but also lead to quite a few new collaborations and projects within the community.
We have uploaded nearly 15mins of workshop videos at Vimeo and 360 photos both on Facebook and the conference homepage.
The video submissions and presentations will follow soon – we are still post-processing the huge data volume.
We would like to thank for their support, our photographers Eugen, Raimund and Marko for a good documentation, and all people involved in the conference workshops for their hard work.

Finally, we want to introduce the new ROBARCH list, inspired by lists such as ECAADE and CAADRIA, which are of great use to the community. The new ROBARCH list will link together architects, artists, designers, and engineers involved in robotic fabrication and promote new events, posts interesting job openings etc. The first official ROBARCH eMail will go out soon, please let us know if you have anything to announce!

Have fun with the first part of the online RobArch2012 documentation and thank you all for having been part of RobArch2012!

With kind regards from Vienna!
Sigrid & Johannes

Robots in Architecture is on the road again with workshops in:
January 17-19 Istanbul, Turkey
January 21-24 Trier, Germany
April 25-28 Master I Architettura I Digitale I Iuav, Venice, Italy
July 1-5 CAADFUTURES, Tongji University, Shanghai China
Summer 2013: Robots in Architecture goes Down Under in Australia

Permalink to Robots in Architecture @ Facebook

Robots in Architecture @ Facebook

Robots in Architecture has just joined Facebook! As Rob|Arch is coming increasingly closer, we’ll try to frequently post up-to-date information about the preparations. All essential information will of course also be posted on

Go to – you do not have to be a member of Facebook to view this page, as we will be posting publicly.

Permalink to Call for Video Presentations Extended

Call for Video Presentations Extended

We have extended the video submission deadline by one week, to 27.11.2012. Please upload your submissions via See here for more details!

Permalink to Brickdesign Teaser

Brickdesign Teaser

ETH Zurich and ROB Technologies have provided use with a teaser video for their upcoming Brickdesign workshop at Rob|Arch 2012. Enjoy!

The workshop is nearly full, with only 3 places remaining. If you are interested in attending the workshop, please register as soon as possible via

Permalink to New Robot Arrivals for Rob|Arch 2012

New Robot Arrivals for Rob|Arch 2012

We’re glad to announce that the final batch of robots has arrived in Vienna, three Staeubli TX90 robots, ranging from normal size to the XL variant, which will be used for the SciArc workshop at Rob|Arch. The ABB IRB 120 for Thibault Schwartz’ workshop already arrived a while ago. The Association’s KR16-2 aren’t on workshop duty, but will exhibited at the conference as well. While the workshops in Vienna are nearly fully booked out, there are still some places left e.g. for Graz, which is connected to Vienna by a direct 2.5h train connection.

Permalink to Rob|Arch 2012: Preliminary Schedule

Rob|Arch 2012: Preliminary Schedule

The preliminary schedule is now available for download here.

Permalink to Call for Video Presentations

Call for Video Presentations

At the upcoming Rob|Arch 2012 conference, 8 universities are organizing robot workshops and 18 papers will be presented, alongside cutting edge developments of industry partners. As even a five-day event cannot cover the whole scope of robotic fabrication in architecture, art, and design, the Association for Robots in Architecture invites research institutions and companies, as well as individual artists, architects, designers, engineers, researchers, and students to submit video presentations of their “robotic” work to the Rob|Arch 2012 conference. The video clips should showcase new developments and innovative projects that are relevant to the conference topic of robotic fabrication in architecture, art, and design.
All video presentations that get approved by a jury of experts will be shown at the conference/exhibition to the Rob|Arch 2012 attendees, among them CEOs of major robot companies as well as industry partners and internationally recognized researchers, architects, and artists. Furthermore, they will be published on the Rob|Arch conference homepage,, to a wide internet audience.
To submit a clip, please go to and click on Make Submission. The Submission page contains detailed instructions regarding the required video format.

Submission Deadline:

EXTENDED to 27.11.2012

Rob|Arch 2012 is the first international conference on robotic fabrication in architecture, art, and design. From December 14th to 16th, eight parallel robot-workshops led by internationally recognised specialists from institutions such as the University of Stuttgart, TU Delft, ETH Zurich, TU Graz, SciArc, University of Michigan, Harvard, and TU Vienna will take place at four locations distributed throughout Europe, immersing participants to cutting-edge robotic research.
The results of the workshops as well as research projects, chosen by the scientific committee, will be presented and discussed at the conference from December 17th to 18th. Keynote lecturers Fabio Gramazio and Matthias Kohler from ETH Zurich, Achim Menges from the University of Stuttgart, and artists Clemens Neugebauer and Martin Kölldorfer will show different approaches how robots can be used in the creative industry.

The production of the conference workshop documentary and the live broadcasting at the RobArch-Pavilion will be performed by NEVV.ORG digital media.

Please register for the conference at . The early registration discounts is extended! If you have any questions, contact the conference chair at

Permalink to Letters of Invitation

Letters of Invitation

We are now ready to issue letters of invitation. If you need a letter of invitation for your university or for a visa application, please send an eMail to

Permalink to New Workshop announced: Harvard @ Rob|Arch 2012

New Workshop announced: Harvard @ Rob|Arch 2012

We are pleased to announce the final Rob|Arch 2012 workshop: Led by Martin Bechthold and Nathan King, Harvard GSD will host a robot workshop at TU Graz. The topic of their workshop is “Robotic Casting”. Like all other workshops, the Harvard GSD workshop will take place from 14th to 16th of December. Participants will also have the chance to register for the free ABB-sponsored RobotStudio pre-workshop on the 13th.

The workshop explores novel approaches to serially customized casting processes enabled through the strategic deployment of three 6-axis robotic manipulators. Combining bottom up and top down design approaches, the workshop includes the design and fabrication of robotic molds geared towards the production of customizable structural components. The workshop production process takes full advantage of the robots ability to precisely choreograph the mold position in space and time. The production will generate a controlled yet infinitely variable family of structural modules that combine into a larger physical prototype.

Furthermore, the ETH Zurich & ROB Technology have informed us that their workshop will use the mobile ROB unit – a KUKA robotic arm mounted on a shipping container – that was used for projects such as the Pike Loop. See the video of ROB in action below:

You can register for the conference and workshops at

Permalink to Author Notifications are Out

Author Notifications are Out

We are glad to inform you, that the author notifications have now been sent out. If you have not received an eMail, please check your spam folder and contact

Furthermore, the registrations for the free sponsor workshops are now open at the These workshops are provided by our sponsors McNeel and ABB free of charge for conference attendees. In the McNeel workshop, Grasshopper developer David Rutten will provide insight into Grasshopper, while the ABB workshop will expose attendants to the robot programming software RobotStudio. Seats are limited and only available for registered conferences attendees.

The registration page now also offers a conference only registration,  though we strongly recommend everyone to take a workshop, as they offer a unique chance to get a look at today’s cutting edge robotic research institutions.

Finally, we have partnered up with the ACADIA conference, which will take place in San Francisco from October 18th to 21st.  This year’s topic is “Synthetic Digital Ecologies” and promises some very interesting keynotes and presentations.

Permalink to Rob|Arch 2012 Registration is now open

Rob|Arch 2012 Registration is now open

ROB|ARCH has been initiated by the Association for Robots in Architecture as a new conference series on the use of robotic fabrication in architecture, art, and design, closely linking industry with cutting-edge research institutions.

In addition to the previously announced seven workshops, hosted by TU Delft, University of Michigan, University of Stuttgart, TU Graz, ETH ZurichTU Vienna, Hal, and the Association for Robots in Architecture at four locations throughout Europe, SciArc is joining the Rob|Arch 2012 conference and will be offering another robot workshop. Staeubli is providing three industrial robots for the workshop, which is going to take place alongside three other robot workshops at TU Vienna’s Arsenal location.

The registration for the Rob|Arch 2012 conference is now open at

Thanks to the generous support of our main sponsor KUKA, our sponsors ABB, Schunk, as well as our workshop sponsors Staeubli, Zeman, SuperTex and Euchner, we can offer an reduced early-registration fee of 50% for professionals and even 70% for students.

499 – early Regular registration: One robot workshop (to be selected in the registration form), conference admission, conference dinner, and printed Springer proceedings.

299 – early Student registration: One robot workshop (to be selected in the registration form), conference admission and conference dinner. Printed Springer proceedings are available at a reduced price.

The early registration prices are valid until October 1st, workshop spaces are limited to allow every participant plenty of time with the robots. At the moment, conference-only registration is not available; we encourage all participants of the conference to attend a robot workshop.

Due to the much higher than expected amount of submitted abstracts, the full paper submission will use the well-established OpenConf system to facilitate the review process. Full papers, using the provided template at, can be submitted until the 16th of July. Everyone is eligible to submit papers, though authors who previously submitted abstracts do have the advantage of having received valuable feedback from the reviewers.

Permalink to Abstract Submission

Abstract Submission

Abstracts must be submitted as PDFs using the Paper Submission form and have to be completely blinded. Abstracts should be no more than 2 A4 pages including figures and at least four references.
The template for the final papers will be made available in the next weeks, there is no template required for the abstract submission.

To submit an abstract, please follow these steps:

  • If you haven’t done so already, go here and register for a user account by entering your preferred username and eMail address. You will receive the password for your account immediately via eMail.
  • Login
  • You can now enter your user details and upload the abstract as a PDF file here

If you run into any problems, please do not hesitate to contact us at

Permalink to KUKA Young Potential Award

KUKA Young Potential Award

The KUKA Young Potential Award, kindly funded by KUKA, will cover travel expenses and workshop/conference admission fees of up to 2000€ for the author of the best scientific paper at Rob|Arch 2012. All paper authors under 35 years automatically qualify for the award. Finalists are selected by the scientific committee and the winner is announced at the conference in Vienna.

Good Luck!

Permalink to CALL for PAPERS


Call for Papers | Rob|Arch 2012: Robotic Fabrication in Architecture, Art, and Design |
Workshops: 14.-16.12.2012 / Conference: 17.-18.12.2012

ROB|ARCH has been initiated by the Association for Robots in Architecture as a new conference series on the use of robotic fabrication in architecture, art, and design, closely linking industry with cutting-edge research institutions.

For the first time, ROB|ARCH 2012 will bring together international university partners who will open their robotic research labs to a creative use and present an insight in their applied robotic research at various locations throughout Europe. While the international workshops will be distributed at university partners, the following conference will take place in Vienna, a city well known for its living quality, but also a hotspot for technology and innovation.

The internationally renowned publishing house Springer Wien/New York will publish and market the proceedings of the conference worldwide with the following topics:

-design to robotic fabrication
-rapid prototyping with industrial robots
-mass customisation
-robots beyond industrial uses
-robotic aesthetics
-customized robotics
-digital and physical robotic interfaces


Free sponsor “pre-workshops” for ABB Robot Studio and Grasshopper

14.12. – 16.12.2012
Conference workshops:
@Rotterdam: 2x ABB IRB6400 by TU Delft and University of Michigan/Jelle Feringa & Wes McGee
@Stuttgart: KUKA KR125/2 by University Stuttgart / Achim Menges & Tobias Schwinn
@Graz: ABB IRB6600 by TU Graz / Andreas Trummer
@Zurich: KUKA KR150 by ETH Zurich and ROB Technologies / Gramazio & Kohler
@Vienna: 2x KUKA LWR by TU Vienna / Marcus Vincze et al.
@Vienna: ABB IRB120 by HAL /  Thibault Schwartz

Conference sessions at TU Vienna

Paper Submission

We invite authors to submit papers with original research relating to the use of robots in architecture, art, and design. An international scientific committee consisting of researchers and practising architects will evaluate the papers and provide feedback to the authors. The selected papers are published in the Springer proceedings and presented at the conference in Vienna.

Electronic Submission of Abstracts 04.06.2012
Electronic Submission of Full Papers 16.07.2012
Author notification 10.09. 2012
Final Paper due 01.10.2012

Information and Contact
See for details and up-to-date information. For any questions regarding the Rob|Arch 2012 conference, please contact

Sigrid Brell Cokcan & Johannes Braumann
Conference Chairs, Association for Robots in Architecture

RobArch2012 Sponsors